How to Entertain Kids in the Car Families love getting new ideas for what to take on a long car trip to keep the kids occupied. So we enlisted the family travel experts at Best Family Travel Advice to share their best advice about what to take on car trips with kids. ...
Two beautiful themes to customize your Cozi app In honor of Cozi’s 10 year anniversary, you can choose from two beautiful themes to customize your Cozi app, absolutely free. The two themes are called “Anniversary” and “Bloom,” and you can...
How to Save Recipes to your Cozi Recipe Box from Android If you’re browsing recipes from your Android device, you can easily save recipes you’d like to make to your Cozi Recipe Box. Here’s how: In the browser bar, copy the recipe URL. 2. Tap the 3...
Holiday Helper: Table Setting Diagram Don’t spend one extra minute worrying about the “right” way to set the table this holiday season. Here are simple diagrams for an informal and formal place setting: (Explore more infographics like this one on the...
Timely Tips for Holiday Card Season The Christmas cards have begun to trickle in, which always works as a friendly daily reminder to get your own cards in the mail. Before you seal the envelopes, here’s a list of tips to simplify the process and maybe even spark...
How to Use Cozi with iCal and iCloud Very often we get inquiries about how to sync Cozi with Apple’s iCal Calendar. Here’s the scoop: You cannot perform a full two-way sync of Cozi with an iCal at this time, however, you can share data between the two...
How to Use Cozi with Google Calendar One of the most popular questions we get about Cozi is this: “Can I sync Cozi with Google Calendar?” Cozi can be used with other popular calendar programs, including Google Calendar, Outlook, and Apple Calendar....
How to Add Headings to a Cozi List Grouping to dos and shopping list items under headings makes it easier to use your lists, plus it makes them look really nice and neat! To add a heading, simply type it in all capital letters. It will instantly become a heading, like...
How to Import Facebook Events and Birthdays Into Cozi Did you know you can import your Facebook events and/or friends’ birthdays into Cozi! Here’s how:How to Import Facebook Events Into CoziGo to your Facebook pageClick Home to get to your Home pageClick...
How to Add FlyLady Zones, Missions and Daily Reminders to Cozi Our fantastic partner FlyLady helps millions of households control the chaos. See how she does it with these FlyLady cleaning lists, and daily tasks that you can easily add to your Cozi account. To find...