Pets of Cozi from Cozi Families
Find out how Cozi families use our family organizing app to stay on top of their pets’ schedules.

How to Plan your Summer with Cozi
Its never too early to start planning summer break! Find out how other Cozi families organize their summer.

Family Travel Tips from Cozi Families
Find out how Cozi families get ready for their adventures, plus gain some insightful and interesting family travel tips!

Add to Cozi: Conquer Clutter in 31 Days
Here’s a #conquerclutter calendar you can import into Cozi! Each day you’ll see a super-simple task plus explore the more in-depth bootcamps on the weekend.

Starter List for Creating Your Family Mission
Evaluate where you want to go and forge your family mission. A family mission defines what your family is all about.

Top 10 Online Holiday Shopping Picks with Promo Codes!
We’ve teamed up with PromoCodesforYou to offer online holiday shopping hacks!

Top 20 Kid Gift Picks – Chosen by Parents
Check out the award-winning product picks from our toy-testing, game-playing experts at Hot Diggity Media.

Thanksgiving Plan-Ahead Schedule and Tips
We’ve come up with a timeline that you can reference to help cut down on day-of chores.

Keep the Family Up to Date with Daily Agenda Emails
Communicate the schedule to the rest of the family with Cozi Daily Agenda emails. Everyone will be on the same page, and you’ll have one less thing to do.

Cozi Featured on Good Morning America’s Strahan Sara and Keke!
Cozi was featured on the Good Morning America’s Strahan Sara and Keke as the top must-have app for back-to-school!