Do Your “Sunday Planning”

Do Your “Sunday Planning”

Who’s cooking dinner tonight? Who’s picking up the kids at practice tomorrow? Did anyone get a babysitter? Set expectations for a whole week at a time with a Sunday family meeting. This list of items to cover will get you started.

High Calorie Clutter

High Calorie Clutter

What is High Calorie Clutter? It’s all those things we tend to collect and keep wanting more of despite the fact that we have plenty. Here are five of the top High Calorie Clutter items – which do you crave?

The Best Foods to buy in Bulk

The Best Foods to buy in Bulk

Having a well stocked pantry and the right ingredients on hand to make dinner is a total win for busy families. Here are 13 items to buy in bulk plus 5 tools of the trade you may also want to stock up on the next time you’re at the warehouse store.

12 Things to do With Kids Art

12 Things to do With Kids Art

If you’re proud of your little artists but at a loss when it comes to dealing with the sheer magnitude of their artwork, here are 12 of our favorite ideas for decluttering the fridge, preserving the most cherished works of art, and sharing your children’s masterpieces with family and friends.

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