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Cozi Device Notifications and Reminders (Android)

Cozi can use your device to remind you about appointments.

Related features

Cozi Mobile Calendar (Android)
Google Calendar Import (Android)

How do device notifications work?

Device notifications use alerts built in to your Android device to help you remember important events. They are more reliable than other types of reminders, and are always free to users. If you use your Cozi mobile app frequently, device notifications are a great choice. If you don’t access your account regularly from your mobile app, email reminders would be a better choice.

Device notifications are for one user on one device. For example: if device notifications are turned on on this Android device for you, you’ll get all of your reminders on this device, and no other household members can get reminders on this device.

Each household member can only get one reminder type (device notifications or email), so if device notifications are turned on for a specific person, that person won’t get email reminders. If a household member uses more than one device and wants to have reminders sent to each one, turn on device notifications for that person on each device.

Who gets reminders?

Cozi helps you remember appointments by sending appointment reminders at times you specify when you set up the appointment. Only household members included on the appointment will receive reminders.

Household members who have device notifications turned on in Cozi Settings will receive calendar reminders on their device. Household members who have notifications turned off in Cozi Settings (or don’t use Cozi on a device) will receive reminders via email if they have an email address entered in Cozi.

Turning on Cozi device notifications

To turn on device notifications, open Settings from the navigation menu. In Device settings, select Set notifications. Select the checkbox for Device notifications, and then choose a Device user who will get reminders on this device.

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