Holiday Planning Printables
Use Cozi's printable planners to help organize the holiday menu, schedule cooking tasks on the big day, record gifts, and plan the season at a glance. Plus, a handy QR code on each planner to transfer your to-do's and events to the Cozi app, so you'll have them handy on the go.Winter Planning Calendar
November through January dates – all on one sheet! Jot down holiday events, mailing due dates, vacation days, and no-school days for an at-a-glance view of the holiday season.
Holiday Meal Planner
Put together a plan for the big meal! Record ideas for each course, plan what to do each day, and add ingredients you need to get.
Holiday Cooking Planner
This one is a cooking schedule so you can list each dish, when to start it, and what to do when. Include dishes you made ahead of time so you don’t forget to pull the salad out of the fridge!